Data structures in Go: Linked lists
Table of Contents
Data structures and algorithms are the bread and butter of computer science. Although sometimes they appear scary to people, most of them have a simple explanation. Also, when explained well with a problem algorithms can be interesting and fun to learn and apply.

This post is aimed at people that are not comfortable with linked lists, or folks that want to see and learn how to build one with Golang. We will see how we can implement them with Go via a (somewhat) practical example, instead of the plain theory and code examples.
But first, let’s touch on a bit of theory.
Linked lists #
Linked lists are one of the simpler data structures out there. Wikipedia’s article on linked lists states that:
In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements, in which linear order is not given by their physical placement in memory. Instead, each element points to the next. It is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence. Under the simplest form, each node is composed of data and a reference (in other words, a link) to the next node in the sequence.
While all this might look like too much or confusing, let’s break it down. A linear data structure is the one where it’s elements form a sequence of some sort. Simple as that. Now, why the physical placement in memory doesn’t matter? Well, when you have arrays the amount of memory the array takes is fixed, in the sense that if you have an array of 5 items, the language will grab only 5 memory addresses in the memory, one after another. Because these addresses create a sequence, the array knows in what memory range its values will be stored and thus the physical placement in-memory of these values create a sequence.
With linked lists, it’s a bit different. In the definition you will notice that “each element points to the next”, using “data and a reference (in other words, a link) to the next node”. This means that each node of the linked list stores two things: a value and a reference to the next node in the list. Simple as that.

Streams of data #
Everything that humans perceive around them is some sort of information or rather data that our senses and our minds know how to process and convert it into a useful piece of information. Whether we look, or smell, or touch we process data and find meaning from that data. Or, when we browse our social media networks we always resort to a feed of data, ordered chronologically and with no end in sight.
So, how can we use linked lists to model such a news feed? Let’s first quickly take a glance at a simple Tweet for example:
just setting up my twttr
— jack (@jack) March 21, 2006
For the purposes of our example social network, let’s get inspired by Twitter
and create a Post
type, that has a body
, a publishDate
and a link to the
type Post struct {
body string
publishDate int64 // Unix timestamp
next *Post // link to the next Post
Next, how can we model a feed of posts? Well, if we know that feeds consist of posts that are linked to another post, then we can try to create a type like that:
type Feed struct {
length int // we'll use it later
start *Post
The Feed
struct will have a beginning (or start
) which will point to the
first Post
in the feed and a length
property which will store the size of
the Feed
at any given moment.
So, let’s say we want to create a Feed
with two posts, the first step is to
create an Append
function on the Feed
func (f *Feed) Append(newPost *Post) {
if f.length == 0 {
f.start = newPost
} else {
currentPost := f.start
for != nil {
currentPost =
} = newPost
Then we can invoke it, twice:
func main() {
f := &Feed{}
p1 := Post{
body: "Lorem ipsum",
fmt.Printf("Length: %v\n", f.length)
fmt.Printf("First: %v\n", f.start)
p2 := Post{
body: "Dolor sit amet",
fmt.Printf("Length: %v\n", f.length)
fmt.Printf("First: %v\n", f.start)
fmt.Printf("Second: %v\n",
So, what does this code do? First, the main
function - it creates a pointer
to a Feed
struct, two Post
structs with some dummy content and it invokes
twice the Append
function on the Feed
, which results in it having a length
of 2. We inspect the two values that the Feed
has by accessing the start
of the Feed
(which is, in fact, a Post
) and the next
item after the
, which is the second Post
When we run the program, the output will look something like:
Length: 1
First: &{Lorem ipsum 1257894000 <nil>}
Length: 2
First: &{Lorem ipsum 1257894000 0x10444280}
Second: &{Dolor sit amet 1257894000 <nil>}
You can see, after we add the first Post
to the Feed
, the length is 1
the first Post
has a body
and a publishte
(as a Unix timestamp), while
it’s next
value is nil
(because there’s no more Post
s in the Feed
Then, we add the second Post
to the Feed
and when we inspect the two
s we see that the first one has the same content as before, but with a
pointer to the next
in the list. The second also has a body
and a
but with no pointer to the next Post
in the list. Also, the
length of the Feed
increases as we add more Post
s to it.
Let’s go back to the Append
function now and deconstruct it so we understand
better how to work with linked lists. First, the function creates a pointer to
a Post
value, with the body
argument as body
of the Post
and the
is set to the Unix timestamp representation of the current time.
Then, we check if the length
of the Feed
is 0
- this means that it has no
s and the first one that is added should be set as the starting Post
conveniently named start
But, if the length of the Feed
is more than 0, then our algorithm takes a
different turn. It will start with the start
of the Feed
and it will walk
through all the Post
s until it finds one that doesn’t have a pointer to a
one. Then, it will attach the new Post
as the next
value on the last
of the list.

Optimising Append
Imagine we have a user that scrolls through their Feed
, like on any other
social network. Since posts are chronologically ordered, based on the
, the Feed
will grow more and more as the user scrolls through
it and more Post
s are attached to the Feed
. Given the approach, we took in
the Append
function, as the Feed
gets longer and longer the Append
function will become more and more expensive. Why? Because we have to traverse
the whole Feed
to add a Post
at the end of it. If you have heard about
Big-O notation, this algorithm has an O(n)
time complexity, which means
that it will always traverse the whole Feed
before it adds a Post
to it.
As you can imagine, this can be quite inefficient, especially if the Feed
grows to be quite long. How can we improve the Append
function and decrease
the asymptotic
of it?
See, since our Feed
data structure is just a list of Post
s, to traverse it
we have to know the beginning of the list (called start
) that’s a pointer of
type Post
. Because in our example Append
always adds a Post
to the end of
the Feed
, we could drastically improve the performance of the algorithm if
knows not just of its start
ing element, but also about it’s end
element. Of course, there’s always a tradeoff with optimisations, and the
tradeoff here is that the data structure will consume a bit more memory (for
the new attribute on the Feed
Extending our Feed
data structure is quite easy:
type Feed struct {
length int
start *Post
end *Post
But our Append
algorithm will have to be tweaked to work with the new
structure of a Feed
. This is the version of Append
using the end
attribute of Post
func (f *Feed) Append(newPost *Post) {
if f.length == 0 {
f.start = newPost
f.end = newPost
} else {
lastPost := f.end = newPost
f.end = newPost
That looks a bit simpler, doesn’t it? Let me give you some good news:
- The code is simpler and shorter now, and
- We drastically improved the time complexity of the function
If you look now at the algorithm, it does two things: if the Feed
is empty it
will set the new Post
as the beginning and the end of the Feed
, otherwise
it will set the new Post
as the end
item and it will attach it to the
previous Post
in the list. On top of how simple it is, this will algorithm
now has a big-O complexity of O(1)
, also known as “constant time”. That means
that Append
will perform the same regardless of the length of the Feed
Pretty simple, right? But let’s imagine that the Feed
is actually a list of
s on our profile. Hence they are ours, we should be able to delete them.
I mean, what kind of a social network doesn’t allow it’s users to (at least)
delete their posts?

Removing a Post
As we established in the previous section, we want the users of our Feed
s to
be able to delete their posts. So, how can we model that? If our Feed
s were
an array, we would just remove the item and be done with it, right?
Well, this is actually where linked lists shine. When arrays sizes change, the runtime has to capture a new memory block to store the items of the array in. Linked lists due to their design, each item having a pointer to the next node in the list, can be scattered throughout the memory space meaning adding/removing nodes from the list is cheap from a space perspective. When one wants to remove a node from a linked list only the neighbours of the removed node need to be linked, and that is. Garbage collected languages (like Go) make this even easier since we don’t have to worry about releasing the allocated memory - the GC will kick in and remove all unused objects.
To make our lives a bit easier for this example, let’s put a constraint that
each of the Posts
on a Feed
will have a unique publishDate
.This means a
publisher can create one Post
per second on their Feed
. Taking that into
effect, this is how we can easily remove a Post
from a Feed
func (f *Feed) Remove(publishDate int64) {
if f.length == 0 {
panic(errors.New("Feed is empty"))
var previousPost *Post
currentPost := f.start
for currentPost.publishDate != publishDate {
if == nil {
panic(errors.New("No such Post found."))
previousPost = currentPost
currentPost =
} =
The Remove
function will take a publishDate
of a Post
as an argument by
which it will detect what Post
needs to be deleted (or unlinked). The
function is rather small. If it detects that the start
item of the Feed
to be removed it will just reassign the start
of the Feed
with the second
in the Feed
. Otherwise, it jumps through each of the Post
s in the
until it runs into a Post
that has a matching publishDate
to the one
passed as the function argument. When it finds one, it will just connect the
previous and the next Post
in the Feed
with each other, effectively
dropping the middle (matching) one from the Feed
There’s one edge case that we need to make sure that we cover in our Remove
function - what if the Feed
doesn’t have a Post
with the specified
? To keep it simple, the function checks for the absence of the
in the Feed
before it jumps to it. If the next
is nil
function panic
s, telling us that it couldn’t find a Post
with such

Inserting a Post
Now that we got appending and removing out of the way, let’s take a look at (a
bit of) a hypothetical case. Imagine that the source that produces the Post
sends them to our application in a non-chronological order. This means that the
s need to be put in the correct order in the Feed
, based on the
. This is how that would look like:
func (f *Feed) Insert(newPost *Post) {
if f.length == 0 {
f.start = newPost
} else {
var previousPost *Post
currentPost := f.start
for currentPost.publishDate < newPost.publishDate {
previousPost = currentPost
currentPost =
} = newPost = currentPost
In essence, this is a very similar algorithm to the one in the Remove
function, because although both of them do a very different thing (adding v.s.
removing a Post
in the Feed
), they are both based on a search algorithm.
That means that both of the functions actually traverse the whole Feed
searching for a Post
that matches the publishDate
with the one received
in the argument of the function. The only difference is that Insert
actually put the new Post
in the place where the dates match, while Remove
will remove the Post
from the Feed
Additionally, this means that both of these functions carry the same time
complexity, which is O(n)
. This means that in a worst-case scenario, the
functions will have to traverse the whole Feed
to get to the item where the
new post needs to be inserted (or the removed).
What if we used arrays? #
If you are asking that yourself, let me say right up front - you have a point.
True, we could store all of the Post
s in an array (or a slice in Go), easily
push items onto it and also even have random access with an O(1)
Due to the nature of arrays, whose values have to be stored in memory one right after another, reading is really fast and cheap. Once you have something stored in an array, retrieving it as easy as accessing it by its 0-based index. When it comes to inserting an item, whether in the middle or at the end, then arrays become less efficient compared to lists. That is because if the array doesn’t have more memory reserved for the new item(s), it will have to reserve it and use it. But, if the next memory addresses are not free, it will have to “move” to a new memory address where there would be space for all of the items in it (new and old).
Looking at all of the examples and discussion we had so far, we can create a table with time complexity for each of the algorithms we created, and compare them with the same algorithms for arrays:
║ Action ║ Array ║ Linked list ║
║ Access ║ O(1) ║ O(n) ║
║ Search ║ O(n) ║ O(n) ║
║ Prepend ║ O(1) ║ O(1) ║
║ Append ║ O(n) ║ O(1) ║
║ Delete ║ O(n) ║ O(n) ║
As you can see, when you are faced with a certain problem, picking the correct
data structure can really make or break the products you create. For
ever-growing Feed
s, where insertion of Post
s is paramount, linked lists do
a much better job because insertions are really cheap. But, if we had a
different problem on our hands that requires frequent deletions or lots of
retrieval/searching, then we would have to pick the correct data structure for
the problem we are dealing with.
You can see the whole implementation of the Feed
and play with it
here. Also, Go has it’s own linked
list implementation, with some nice functions already built in. You can see
it’s documentation here.
EDIT 20.02.2018 10:00 CET: Previous verion of the article wrongly stated that
the big-O complexity of the delete function is O(1)
. Changed to O(n)
pointed out by Bart de Goede.
EDIT 22.02.2018 23:00 CET: Previous verion of the article wrongly stated that
the big-O complexity of searching in an array is O(1)
instead of O(N)
. This
was a mixup of Access and Search on my side. This is fixed by adding
separate rows in the table for Search and Access and their respective time
EDIT 25.02.2018 17:00 CET: Previous version of the article had a buggy
implementation of the Insert
function, which was pointed out by Albert
Shirima in the comments.